Posts tagged "emacs":
- Using Audio Memos on my mobile phone and emacs-audio-notes-mode works brilliant to capture TOODs and refile them in emacs orgmode.
After trying out multiple iOS apps (MobileOrg, Drafts, Rem) to capture TODOs on the road and sync them with emacs orgmode I finally found a solution using Audio Memos.
Audio Memo is an App that runs on Android, iOS and watchOS. I'm using it on iOS and watchOS and it works very good.
Instead of typing my TODOs I now speak them into my Apple Watch. This has multiple advantages:
- It's much faster
- You can use it on the bike
- You can use it to capture your dreams (in case you wear your Apple Watch at night ;) )
You need:
- Audio Memos - The Voice Recorder (iOS) (android app)
- A self-hosted WebDAV Account (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Evernote or FTP should work, too.)
- audio-notes-mode
I have the following in my ~/.emacs.d/init.el
(use-package audio-notes-mode :config (setq anm/notes-directory "~/share/audio-memos") (setq anm/goto-file "~/org/") )
- Tap the Audio Memo icon on your iPhone or Apple Watch
- (Recording starts automatically)
- speak
- press pause
- press save
- you are done!
- (when using the Apple Watch you must launch the iOS app to start the sync (starting the app is enough, sync will start automatically))
- in emacs do
M-x audio-notes-mode
to listen to your memos
If you have comments, questions or opinions please drop me a line at 2017-08-18–capture-todos-with-ios-and-orgmode AT zngguvnf dot org. Please tell me whether it's ok to publish your comment here or not.
- org-static-blog is a fantastic and very simple tool to maintain a static site blog from emacs orgmode.
- For me it was easier hosting the blog on a shared hosting platform
(Uberspace) rather than using GitHub or Gitlab pages.
- It's very simple to add a tls certificate to your blog when hosting it on an Uberspace.
- I think it should work with all static site generators, not just with org-static-blog
A long long time ago I started to think about blogging. I think blogging is a nice way to provide solutions of problems. On the one hand it helps me to recall things in the future and on the other hand it might help others who have similar problems.
Being a nerd, I spent quite a lot of time thinking about my blogging system.
My requirements were:
- Keep it simple
- RSS feed
- TLS encryption
- No JavaScript
- Based on orgmode
There are lots of tools based on orgmode for blogging, but the one I like most is org-static-blog by my friend bastibe.
In this first blog entry I'll try to document the technical background about this blog.
This includes:
Setting up org-static-blog
Org-static blog is a very simple static site generator by bastibe, written in emacs lisp.
It converts .org
to .html
files and creates an rss feed for you.
My configuration looks like this:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/projects/blog/org-static-blog/") (require 'org) (require 'org-static-blog) (setq org-static-blog-publish-title "") (setq org-static-blog-publish-url "") (setq org-static-blog-publish-directory "~/projects/blog/html/") (setq org-static-blog-posts-directory "~/projects/blog/html/posts/") (setq org-static-blog-drafts-directory "~/projects/blog/html/drafts/") (setq org-export-with-toc nil) (setq org-export-with-section-numbers nil) (setq org-static-blog-index-length 2)
Furthermore I modified org-static-blog-page-header
, org-static-blog-page-postamble
To make this blog look more like an org document, I changed the date format and
its position in
, org-static-blog-create-archive
and used an .css
file, inspired by Kelvin Hu
who is the maintainer
of org-page.
If you are interested in details just drop me a line.
Have a look at my blogging workflow to see org-static-blog in action.
Setting up an Uberspace for hosting a static blog
Uberspace is a german shared hosting provider.
You can try it for a month, after that you can pay what you want (minimum 1 Euro/ month). For this you get ssh access to a server running CentOS and 10 GB storage, great documentation (german only) and awesome personal support via mail.
For hosting this blog I set up a new account.
After that I added my public ssh key and created an entry in my /.ssh/config
Host zngguvnf HostName User zngguvnf
Now typing ssh zngguvnf
in my shell is enough to login.
While I registered the domain I want this and to point to my Uberspace account.
To do this:
uberspace-add-domain -d -w
uberspace-add-domain -d -w
This code will return an A
and AAA record
. Now enter the A
record at your domain
provider and create a CNAME
entry called
that points to
Using a free Let's encrypt TLS Cert is really easy on Uberspace.
To redirect http to https put the following in your .htaccess
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{ENV:HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule .* https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
Now create a git bare repository on your Uberspace
git init --bare ~/blog.git
and add a post-receive hook
vim ~/blog.git/hooks/post-receive
#!/bin/sh WEB_DIR=~/blog git --work-tree=${WEB_DIR} checkout HEAD --force -- html rsync -r ~/blog/html/* ~/html
leave vim with :wq
make this hook executable.
chmod +x ~/blog.git/hooks/post-receive
Now create an tmp folder
mkdir ~/blog
When you now push a commit to the bare repository it will checkout the folder
in the folder ~/blog/html
and then publish it by copying the
files to ~/html
(I think it is not possible to do this with a gitcheckout
, not using a tmp folder.)
Finally, create a .git
repository on your local machine and add the remote.
git init ~/path/to/your/local/blog_dir cd ~/path/to/your/local/blog_dir # this folder should be a git repo git remote add origin ssh:// git push --set-upstream origin master
That's it. And this should work with all static site generators, not just with org-static-blog.
My blogging workflow
Let's write a post and publish it.
1.) Create file ~/projects/blog/html/posts/
2.) Write your post (this must include #+title:
and #+date:
#+title: Hello World! #+date: <2017-07-06 Thu> Hello World!
3.) M-x org-static-blog-publish
4.) Publish your files
git add html/index.html html/rss.xml html/
git commit -m "Blog post hello world"
git push
That's it, you are done!
Future work
- Create an org capture template to capture comments from an mu4e buffer and
refile them to the matching
- I do not use this anymore because in my opinion it is to much overhead downloading the docker emacs for every build.
- Maybe I'll linstall emacs on my Uberspace and add
to thepost-receive hook
.- Then I could write my post outside emacs (mobile phone/ online editor).
If you have comments, questions or opinions please drop me a line at 2017-07-13–blogging-with-org-static-blog AT zngguvnf dot org. Please tell me whether it's ok to publish your comment here or not.