- use yarn instead of npm
In the following lines I will explain how I managed to build signal-desktop from source.
Since there aren't any official packages for rpm based distros like fedora I decided to build Signal from source.
Install dependencies:
sudo dnf install npm sudo dnf install libXScrnSaver sudo dnf install gcc-c++
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop.git ~/.gitware/Signal-Desktop
Checkout the branch you want to build: (I like to build the latest
tag-release. Right now v1.3.0 v1.12.0 is the latest version)
cd Signal-Desktop
git checkout tags/v1.3.0
Build the electron app:
# npm install # outdated # npm run dist-prod # outdated npm install yarn yarn install yarn generate yarn build-release
When the build process is finished you can start signal-desktop:
# ./dist/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop # outdated ./release/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop
To create an app launcher: Create a symbolic link:
# sudo ln -s ~/.gitware/Signal-Desktop/dist/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop /usr/local/bin/signal-desktop sudo ln -s ~/.gitware/Signal-Desktop/release/linux-unpacked/signal-desktop /usr/local/bin/signal-desktop
Copy the icon:
sudo cp ~/.gitware/Signal-Desktop/images/icon_250.png /usr/local/share/icons/signal.png
(If the directory /usr/local/share/icons
does not exsist yet, create it sudo
mkdir /usr/local/share/icons/
With the editor of your choice (you might want to use emacs or nano over vim) create a signal.desktop file:
sudo vi /usr/local/share/applications/signal.desktop
Enter the the following content:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Signal Comment=Private messaging from your desktop Exec="signal-desktop" %U Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=signal.png StartupWMClass=Signal
That's it. Close the file and open Signal
from your launcher.
Please remember that you are responsible for updating the app yourself. To update the app:
git checkout tags/vNewVersion # npm install # npm run dist-prod yarn generate yarn build-release
To verify your version open the Signal -> Help -> About Signal Desktop
If you have comments, questions or opinions please drop me a line at blog AT zngguvnf dot org. Please tell me whether it's ok to publish your comment here or not.